2025 Enrolment Update for RETURNING Families
We are excited to announce that the enrolment process for the 2025 school year for our returning families will begin soon. Starting on Monday, 16 September 2024 we will send out a link to the '2025 Re-Enrolment Inquiry Form' via email/Xplor during this week.
This form will enable you to request your preferred service(s) and day(s) for care next year. Please note that the current 3-day maximum enrolment policy will still apply.
Please take your time when completing the form to ensure your responses and preferences are correct and what you are actually looking for in terms of care for next year.
The '2025 Re-Enrolment Inquiry Form' must be completed by Friday, 11 October 2024, to allow us sufficient time to process all requests. Offers for placement will be sent out during Week 4 (starting on November 4, 2024). Once you have confirmed the offer, you will receive an email with a link to a Re-Enrolment Form where you can review and update your personal details.
Our goal is to have all enrolments confirmed and Re-Enrolment Forms completed by the end of Week 7 - Friday, 29 November 2024, so that families will know their days of care for 2025.
Anticipating a high demand with over 800 enrolments expected for the 2025 year, we kindly ask for your patience and understanding as we undertake this process. The demand for Early Education and Care services in our region continues to exceed supply, but IDFS and our dedicated team are working diligently to ensure that every child has access to early education. We have taken into account your valuable feedback on enrolment processes and aim to make this process as smooth as possible for everyone.
We are looking forward to welcoming you back in 2025.